Section A

in the body. When the body is not properly hydrated. It produces more histamine Histamines are supposed to help manage the immune system and the available water This can cause you to have an allergic response to harmless substances like pollen. A more subtle reaction occurs in our intestines, and we start to feel unwell. The body goes into overdrive. trying to kill the harmless alleren. The resulting stress can lead to skin conditions such as psoriasis.


At the same time, dehydrated skin can cause histamines to gather in the areas where it is most dehydrated. This leads to reddening and scaling of the skin, which then tries to repair itself.




Allergies often occur when your immune system builds up antibodies to a substance that is generally harmless. Some doctors believe that these errors occur when the body is too acidic, and drinking alkaline water will help reduce acidity and allergic response.




Arthritis can be caused by acid build-up in the joints, which lead to cartilage damage. The blood has a hard time removing wastes out of the joints. However, one of the health benefits of drinking alkaline water is that it can decrease the amount of acid in the joints, making it easier for the body to take care of the problem on its own.